Monday, June 28, 2010

Thank You for my Talented Siblings

When I was a kid, I have always wanted to learn many things. I wanted to learn how to sing really good, play the piano, act on stage, and learn some martial arts. However, being in a financially restricted family during my childhood days, I had to learn them by myself if I really want to. I did learn how to sing fairly 'cause I joined the Glee Club in high school. I did act for several presentations as a declaimer and main lead in the classroom and on stage during my Teatro Tilaok days. I begged to be bought a cheap musical keyboard when I was 14 and did learn one classical piece (Pachelbel's Canon) that I could play in the piano when practiced over and over again. Yes, I can't read music notes. They're too much of a calculation for me and I sincerely hate equations. And no, I never learned any martial art.

This is just why my younger brother and sister makes me feel the proudest. My brother learned three musical instruments all by himself; the guitar, the keyboard, and the drums. He could compose simple songs and play confidently in band competitions. He is a big influence to my little sister's developing interest in music. He's currently teaching her keyboard pieces and encouraging her to enhance her guitar fingering.

Apparently, it's my little sister whom I'm most proud of. I have enrolled her last summer in a swimming class and as always she never fails to make us, her family, proud. She earned a gold medal for championing the butterly stroke competition and as a reward, Mama allowed her to take advanced swimming classes every Saturday going forward. Today, she also broke to me the news that she auditioned as a pianist for our school choir. She is accepted by the very music teacher who trained us in Glee Club. She will be trained as the school and church pianist every Saturday and soon enough, we would be hearing her play in our church regularly.

There is an indefinite amount of blessings that I am thankful for when it comes to my siblings and my relationship with them and a "thank you" is really not enough to condense the gratitude of having them in my life.

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